| | When: All day Where: Albany

We hope to see you there! |
| | When: All day Where: Albany
Passing the New York Health Act is more urgent this year than ever before. Our state lawmakers must act to protect New Yorkers from exploitation by insurance and pharmaceutical corporations for profit, and attacks on our healthcare at the federal level.
We will be setting up teams to meet with state legislators to discuss the health issues facing their constituents and to illustrate how the New York Health Act — our state bill to provide comprehensive, universal healthcare to all New Yorkers — will improve our health and financial security. Sharing our personal stories, as patients and care-givers, is a powerful way to show how this transformational policy will impact real people. Visit the RSVP webpage for more information.

We hope to see you there! |
| | When: 5 to 7 PM Where: 25 Broadway, 15th Floor, New York, NY 10004 — Professional Staff Congress (PSC) offices 
Join us in person as we meet the New York City mayoral candidates, learn about their plans for uplifting CUNY, and ask them about how they plan to defend CUNY during this uncertain time. Will the next mayor be a CUNY champion or not?

| | When: All day Where: Albany NYPIRG, TREEage, and NY Renews came together from across the state to take action for the FUND Climate Campaign, Green Healthy Schools, and the NY HEAT Act! The Youth Day of Climate Action included meeting with our state representatives, rallying, art-making, performances, and more! |
| | When: All day Where: Albany 

Public higher education must be free and fully funded, and financial aid and student services must be expanded!
With the cost of living increasing so much in recent years, the burden on students has been immense. Years of stagnant state funding and ever-increasing tuition and other costs of attending school have threatened college accessibility for too many students. Campuses are drastically underfunded when it comes to professors, academic advisors, class availability, and mental health counselors, making it all the more difficult for students to thrive. Last year, NYPIRG fought for and won improvements to higher education funding in the state budget. But this year, it is time to get more funding so that our college communities can thrive!
Along with our student and faculty partners, NYPIRG organized a Higher Education Action Day where we took a day trip to Albany to advocate for:
- A New Deal for CUNY
- Free and fully funded SUNY
- More money for mental health resources, advisors, and smaller class sizes.
We scheduled meetings between students and our elected representatives, who will decide how much funding our colleges receive. Our elected officials need to hear from the students of today as to why the state needs a student-friendly budget! |
| | When: 6:30 to 8:30 PM Where: The New York Society for Ethical Culture (2 West 64th Street, New York, NY 10023) 

We met the candidates running for New York City mayor!
Staff and students from across the city represented NYPIRG at our New York City Mayoral Candidate Forum, where attendees heard from five candidates for mayor (Scott Stringer, Jessica Ramos, Zellnor Myrie, Zohran Mamdani, and Brad Lander) who all answered questions on climate, jobs, and justice issues, such as reducing pollution, improving mass transit, and working to protect New Yorkers from the worst effects of climate change. With the federal administration in the pocket of the oil and gas companies, it is more important than ever for our top local elected officials to take major action! |
| | When: 10:30 AM to 4 PM Where: Albany 

Pass the NY HEAT Act!
NYPIRG, Renewable Heat Now, and allied groups called on the New York State Legislature to pass the NY HEAT Act in the budget for cleaner heat and lower bills! We told our reps that climate action and energy affordability cannot wait.

| | When: 9 AM to 4:30 PM Where: New York State Capitol in Albany 
200+ advocates from across New York State met to advocate for the Bigger Better Bottle Bill and the Packaging Reduction and Recycling Infrastructure Act, having meetings with 80+ lawmakers to urge them to support the bills. The day kicked off with a rally on the Million Dollar Staircase, featuring faith leaders who made the case for why urgent action on reducing plastic and packaging pollution is vital for our future.
Also, check out NYPIRG's analysis which shows that modernization of New York's Bottle Deposit Law would generate nearly $100 million more than it does now in the first year of implementation, revenues that can be used to invest in the state’s flagging recycling efforts and to improve its administration.

| | When: 12:30 PM Where: City Hall in Manhattan 
Despite frigid temperatures, NYPIRG gathered with fellow environmental activists to demand that New York City councilmembers protect Local Law 97!
With the nation-leading climate law under attack, it is more important than ever to ensure full implementation of our green new deal for buildings — the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in New York City. LL97 is already creating thousands of new jobs, lowering our utility bills, and improving the air that we breathe.

| | When: 12 to 1 PM Where: Governor Hochul's New York City Office (919 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10022) 

Now is the time to MAKE POLLUTERS PAY!
NYPIRG and our allies rallied outside of Governor Hochul's New York City office and urged her to sign the Climate Change Superfund Act to protect New York taxpayers by making the world's biggest, richest oil companies pay their fair share for climate-related damages. |
| | When: 11 AM Where: Times Plaza in Brooklyn 
We need faster buses on Flatbush Avenue!
NYPIRG's Straphangers Campaign and our partners have been collecting community and business surveys on rider challenges in the Flatbush Avenue corridor, and we released the results at a news conference. In alarming (yet unsurprising) results, the survey found that one in three riders have lost pay, been reprimanded, and/or been fired due to a late bus on Flatbush Avenue.

| | When: 6 to 9 PM Where: City Winery in Manhattan 
That is an incredible testament to the dedication, hard work, and luck that has allowed us to meet the half-century mark. It is quite a milestone – which we marked with the NYPIRG 50th Anniversary Celebration.
The event was a rousing success, and we all had a wonderful time celebrating NYPIRG’s decades of tireless work for the public interest, reconnecting with friends and colleagues from years past, and honoring our 2023 Changemaker Award recipients – including renowned author and activist Jane Fonda!

We are pleased to share these event photos and this commemorative video that highlights NYPIRG's decades of tireless work for the public interest.
Thank you so much to everyone who was involved – our honorees, current and former students and staff, friends, colleagues, and supporters – for your generous support and steadfast commitment to our crucial mission.
Thanks again, and we look forward to the work ahead! |